I lurve Darwin annndd the whole of the top end! The easy-going community is so relaxed, creative, fun and there is so much going on in this small little town!!
When I moved up to Darwin… Who knew that I was going to fall in-love with the people, the beautiful blue dry season sky’s accompanied by dragonflies and spectacular sunsets!.. I love sweating through the intense heat of the build-up (not really) to be eventually rewarded with stormy monsoonal weather! The wet is my absolute favourite season!

1. Hyper @
Oasis Shopping Centre!
I absolutely love how all the shopping centres are onboard with FREE entertainment and activities for kids! Almost every shopping centre are providing activities on the school holidays and others have activities on a regular basis. (Some even for adults). Pop into your local shopping centre to see what activities they are offering! For example Hyper will be at Palmerston Shopping Centre Kids Club next month on the 6th of April! <3

2. Hyper @ Children’s week – Arts and Crafts in the Darwin Mall!
The City of Darwin and Palmerston City Council are absolutely amazing for community activities. Both Councils offer weekly storytimes as well as regular free activities and events around their areas (for adults and kids!). Both offer school holiday programs and free events. Harmony Day is coming up at the end of the month… check out what event your council is organising for your community! I love an event with free entertainment!!

3. Hyper & Dave @
the Palmerston Market!
The best thing is the art scene! We have so many original, local, amazing, talented artists! Musician, Painter, Sculptor, Dancer, Comedian, Juggler, Writer, Actor… am I forgetting someone? And do you know the best thing?!? You could see these people’s works (or performing) for FREE at the local Market, Pub, Festival, Fate, Art Galleries even busking on the streets of Darwin!.. and some events you do have to pay for.. but prices are worth every penny!! <3
4. Hyper @ the MEGA Darwin Esplanade slide!
Adults can have fun too! There is so many parks, slides, playgrounds, waterparks, waterholes, waterfalls, bike tracks, national parks.. We are surrounded by so much space and nature! So much out-doorsie fun- stuff to do here! Have you visited all the parks? So many fun things to explore!!

Here we have the Burning Circus, Rainbow of Balloons, LindyLoo, Margie Goodluck, Amazing Miss Deb, NT art Storms.. (and lots more that aren’t in this photo!) I am very blessed to be surrounded by so many amazing entertainers (and artists). Crazy awesome people that are uplifting, inspiring, supportive and wickedly creative!! <3

6. Hyper Hug @
Easter Event at Darwin Waterfront!
It’s great to be loved and appreciated! In my decade of being Hyper the Clown, I have had nothing but love and support (and hugs!) from the Darwin Community. I am grateful that multiple venues invite me back. This easter will be my 7th year entertaining at the annual Darwin Waterfront Easter Festivities! (They have so many free events.. you need to check these guys out too!)

7. Hyper’s little Brothers
@ Nightcliff Beach
What can beat the breathtaking Darwin sunsets:- The spectacular sight as the sun disappears over the water. What could top that? Appreciating the beauty being surrounded by family, friends and fur babies!